MCA-1: Class Details

MCA-1: Myo-Cadaver-1 (Shoulder)

Date:  9/17/18

Time:  11am-2:30pm (Please arrive at least 15-30min early for registration)

Location:  Bulverde Spring Branch Fire & EMS Science Center: 353 Rodeo Dr. Spring Branch, TX (Stay on Hwy 281 North-Approximately 2 miles north of Rt 46)

Instructors:  Dr. James Macie DC, MT     Assist: James Mazzucca

Class Type: Workshop

Track:  Elective

Class Size: Limited to 10

Price:  $95

Difficulty: Beginner

Its recommended that student review the basic anatomy of the shoulder and viscera.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the core muscles of the shoulder girdle

  • Explore the various layers of the shoulder/upper back

  • Learn the various thickness of various musculature

  • Palpate various muscles 3 dimensionally

  • Study the human viscera

Suggested Texts: (not required)

“Muscle Manual” ProHealth (the red book)

"The Trail Guide of the Body" by Andrew Biel

Lab Etiquette/Rules:

These donated cadavers are individuals, and must be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. It is inappropriate to make disrespectful comments within and outside of the laboratory. Please observe professional conduct while in the lab and outside the lab.

Only students enrolled in MCA 101, MCA 202, MCA 303 and teaching staff are allowed in the cadaver lab at any time.

Body parts, tissues, equipment, tools, etc. must not be removed from the lab.

No cameras, phones or electronics are allowed in the lab. Photography is prohibited.

Please be careful while working with the cadaver. The cadaver dissections will be used in other lab sections by other students/classes. Keep the dissections moist and well covered when not working on that portion of the cadaver. Keep doors to lab closed and locked to keep security intact. Students should maintain a clean and safe workspace in the lab at all times.

Laboratory Safety/Attire:

You are required to wear disposable gloves at all times while working with the cadaver (nitrile or neoprene, latex gloves are not acceptable). Cadavers are embalmed with a fluid containing propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol, phenol and formaldehyde. Physical contact of your skin and clothing should be avoided. Please wear old clothes while working with the cadaver. Many students choose to bring a change of clothes for when the class is over.

No open-toes shoes or sandals are allowed in the lab. Wear shoes that cover your entire foot. Contact lens wearers should be aware that chemical fumes can pass into gas permeable and soft lenses. These fumes may irritate the eyes. Know the location of the eyewash station before you begin.

If you are pregnant, or believe you may be pregnant, you may NOT participate in the dissection labs until Dr. Macie is given written documentation from your obstetrician that verifies an understanding of the chemicals to which you and your fetus are being exposed to while in the presence of the cadavers.

No foods, drinks, gum or the application of makeup are allowed in the lab.

Please remember your ability to participate in this course results from a selfless donation of thoughtful individuals who voluntarily chose to donate their body as well as the trust and confidence and support of the sciences center in the continued growth of our profession.

Contact Information:  210.483.6263